Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Civil Rights Museum

One of the attractions not far from Graceland is the Civil Rights Museum which is located at the Lorraine Motel where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. Lee and I were remembering the recent anniversary of the assassination just last month when the television stations commemorated the event with news specials and on-site interviews with those surviving friends of Dr. King.
The museum which has been built around the motel reminded me somewhat of the Holocaust Museum where images of the past to the present day are presented in a time line. In this case, the time line reflected racial prejudice against the Blacks beginning with the enslavement of the Africans. It was very emotional to once again see man's inhumanity to man.
The museum also focused on other areas in the world where civil rights are still an issue. The global picture can be quite grim but you walk away feeling hopeful after seeing what people around the world are doing to fight these injustices. Also too, having Barack Obama as our president speaks volumes about a brighter future.
This museum is a "must see".

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Day With Elvis

The weather outside was still frightful (with rain), but Lee and I braved the storm to visit the home of Elvis Presley. It was a quick walk from our campground site and we were able to get on the line for the shuttle bus very easily. Graceland looks like a typical home from the outside. Though, it is located on quite a lot of acreage, from the front nothing struck me as bizarre. Even upon entering through the front door, one felt like you were transported back in time (the furnishings reflecting the 70's). His living room, music room, dining room, kitchen, and parents' bedroom could be anyone's room back then (except for the beautiful peacock stained glass doors in the living room). You were not allowed upstairs to Elvis' private quarters (his bedroom, closets, etc). I was a little disappointed because I think the decor might have been really funky there. When the tour brought us downstairs that was when we saw very "interesting decor". His Jungle room was just what it sounds like; very unique wood pieces with animal carvings. His pool room was decorated in yards and yards of fabric. His television room was decorated in navy and yellow.
Other parts of the tour included his trophy room, racketball court, his father's office, and beautiful grounds. The meditation garden is where Elvis and his parents are buried. There is also a memorial plaque for his twin brother who died at birth and who body is buried elsewhere.
After the tour, we were able to go through numerous Elvis exhibits including his numerous cars and his personal jets. Wow. It went on and on. Not only that, every exhibit exited into a souvenir shop. By the time we finished, we were definitely Elvis'd out.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

We're Going To Graceland........

Lee and I are on a roll. One of the things Lee had really wanted to do was visit the Memphis area and see Graceland. So off we went to visit the home of Elvis Presley.
As we drove down Elvis Presley Boulevard, we were immediately taken with the fact that the street looked like any other street in the USA. It had lots of fast food eateries, gas stations, Baskin Robbins, etc.; none of the glitz that one would expect. As a matter of fact, if it weren’t for the Elvis souvenir shops and the Heartbreak Hotel(I'm not kidding!), we might have passed right by Graceland without knowing it(except for the musical notes on the iron entrance gate)
We were lucky to be able to stay at a campground directly across the street from the King’s home. The Memphis-Graceland RV Park & Campground is located behind the Heartbreak Hotel and caters to all RV campers, motorcoaches as well as tents. They even have a few log style cottages.
Once we got settled in, Lee called Marlowe’s Restaurant for dinner reservations and their “Pink Cadillac” pick up service. What a hoot!! Within 10 minutes the car was in front of our site and we were whisked away for some serious barbeque.
Marlowe’s, just a mile south of Graceland is voted the Best Ribs in the South. It is home to Elvis fans around the world. So not to be different, Lee and I had barbeque ribs with cole slaw and beans. The ribs happened to be awesome and we ate like little “pigs”. (I just had to say that…ha ha ha)
Just like any other venue here, there was an Elvis gift shop which we perused so as to walk off some of the “low cal” food we just consumed. My Lipitor better be working!!!
I really feel like I am in the south!!! Yee Haw!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Taking Our Time

After leaving Red Bay, we decided to take our time driving back to Maine. One of the attractions not too far from us was the birthplace and home of Helen Keller.
So off we went to Ivy Green in Tuscumbia, Alabama located two miles off Hwys. 72 and 43 in Colbert County. What an historic moment!!!
We all remember the play/movie The Miracle Worker. Just think what it was like to see the famous well pump located between the main house and cottage (birthplace) which is where Helen first recognized the meaning of the sign language for water. It gave us chills.
The main house built in 1820 contained much of the original furniture of the Keller Family and hundreds of momentos of Miss Keller's life including her library of Braille books and old Braille typewriter.
During the months of late June and July, performances of The Miracle Worker is performed on the grounds of Ivy Green on the weekends. Lee and I saw the staging and performance area in the gardens.
What an amazing woman and amazing life!! We learned so much about Helen from this visit and were inspired to know more so we purchased some books at the gift shop. Lee and I were very moved by this experience.
One more fabulous journey to add to our list!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

There Is No Stress In Red Bay, Alabama

•We were sorry to say goodbye to our Florida Family but are so looking forward to next season when hopefully Lee and I will be full fledged Snowbirds.
Lee and I had been compiling a list of items to be repaired/serviced at Red Bay since our last visit to Alabama. Upon the advice of our neighbors who left for Red Bay before us, we made sure to arrive sometime on a Saturday in order to get a full hookup site. I packed the coach up with enough food for about 10 days and with an equal amount of alcohol since we would be in a dry county. I am literally a seasoned veteran now that I have learned the proper preparation procedures for a trip like this!!!!
So off we went on Friday and when we arrived, we were lucky to get one of the two remaining full hookup sites(thanks Dan and Dee). Now the waiting process began. We could only be patient and hope that our number in the rotation would not keep us there for a couple of weeks. Since we had enough personal and business work to keep us busy, we were glad to have a few days at least to focus on that.
One of the many things we have come to appreciate about the people of Red Bay is that they are the most hardworking, polite and caring people. Their work ethic is so strong as well as their family values. I think that the expression, “there is no stress in Red Bay” could be a mantra. Everyone takes everything in stride. When asking some of the older gentlemen how they were doing on a particular day, the responses are so funny but true. One man said that he was happy to be above the grass than below. Another remarked that it was good to be seen than not be seen. The simplicity was very humbling. More of us should take a lesson from this.
It was a pleasure doing business with the Tiffin company’s service department. All our concerns were addressed for now and as we said good bye again, we were going to slowly work our way home; taking our time and smelling the roses. There is no stress in our motorcoach!!!!!!!!!!