Friday, October 1, 2010

Custer State Park - South Dakota

The next day Lee, Sammy, and I took a drive through Custer State Park. Did you know that George A. Custer led a scientific army expedition into the Black Hills in 1874???? Though the expedition discovered gold, Custer seemed more interested in the area's uncommon natural beauty. Years after fortune seekers took a toll on the area's wildlife, in 1913 The South Dakota legislature created a state game reserve in the southern Black Hills. In 1919, the reserve became Custer State Park.
We decided to visit this park since we were told by our friend Dan that there was a wildlife road where we could see more animals. Well, we certainly were not disappointed as the pictures show. We saw bison, deer, mountain sheep, burros, and more.
We then drove through Iron Mountain Road where there are granite tunnels, some so small, that we didn't think our Jeep would fit through. What a weird feeling to drive through these mountains; thank goodness we were not in the motorcoach!!!
One destination that caught our eye was the Black Hills Playhouse. I just love their sign using buffalo as the symbols of masks of tragedy and comedy. I had to take a picture of this. Even though the theater was closed for the season, it was nice to know that they had professional theater in the Black Hills!!
The next road we took was the Needles Highway. The name "Needles" comes from the slender granite peaks that characterize this area. The Cathedral Spires is a series of pinnacles that resemble church spires and the Needles "Eye" is a granite formation which looks like the eye of a needle. Isn't that just amazing!!!
Lee and I enjoyed traveling around and looking at the differences in the mountains and its surrounding landscape.
We are so delighted to have had this experience.

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