Saturday, September 25, 2010

Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming

Just got back from visiting the Buffalo Bill Museum. Sorry that there are not many pictures, but my camera was not working and am still trying to figure out the problem.
I took this picture from my phone. The museum was a beautiful facility which celebrates the spirit of the American West.
The first section we visited was the Plains Indian Peoples Exhibit. Just incredible!!! What a learning experience about how these native Americans lived and the respect they had for the land they lived on. Their visionary insights of one's respect of the land, its resources, and the wildlife (in particular the Buffalo) overwhelmed Lee and me; especially seeing the beauty of the National Parks and knowing that if they were not protected, they would be destroyed. It is almost unconscionable to think that the white man imposed their way of life on the Indian and removed them from their homes. When we finished walking through this exhibit, we were profoundly moved and saddened at the same time. However, the end of the exhibit was hopeful in that there is ongoing Indian education in the school systems (especially here in the West) which discusses their history and rituals. The displacement of the Indian should be taught so future generations will hopefully learn from it.
Afterwards we went to the Buffalo Bill Cody exhibit which was amazing; vintage films of his show and tons of artifacts. Buffalo Bill is one of our renowned heroes of the West. He was a pony express rider, fought in the Civil War, was a Buffalo Hunter (hence his name), a scout, an actor, and founder of the Wild West Shows (he even toured Europe!!). He was a strong advocate for the Indian but unfortunately his Wild West Shows did more to negatively stereotype the images we have today of the Indian. Buffalo Bill was also an advocate of women's rights in the early 1900's.
Buffalo Bill's story reads like a tall tale but the only difference is that most of it is true.
Today was quite the learning experience for both of us!!

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