Sunday, April 10, 2016

Ocala, Florida

Before we left for Ocala, Lee noticed that one of our tag wheels had lost a lot of tire pressure...this was one of the tires we just had replaced, ugh!...thank goodness the Resort had a commercial air compressor and with a little help from the maintenance man, the tire situation was remedied and we were ready to boogie.  The reason for the loss of air was due to a new valve extender which Lee did not use again.
We arrived at our campground just before dinner time which was perfect for a little freshening up before meeting our friends Alan and Susan for dinner at their home.  Alan is an old acting buddy and room mate of Lee's from New York City....the three of us go back to 1979 and have some wonderful history together.  Susan and Alan have been together for some years now....we first met her about 4 years ago....what a sweetheart!  Alan was scheduled for Hip replacement

surgery later in the week so we were just delighted to be able to spend time together and have some laughs.....which we did!

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