Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Johnson Space Center continued

Once we returned to the main plaza, we continued to explore the exhibits....we rented earphones so    we could go on our own guided tour.  We were fascinated to see the models and artifacts from previous missions such as Apollo 13.....we saw a Lithium Hydroxide Canister which was modified to fit the life support system of the lunar module to remove the CO2...this was critical to the crew's survival....remember that part in the movie!  We also saw their checklist!     

             Some of  the other exhibits we saw were models of the astronauts on the moon surface with a Land Rover as well as the actual Apollo 17 Command Module which was the last manned spacecraft to have traveled to the moon. This Command Module orbited the moon and housed astronaut Ron Evans while Astronauts Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt headed to the surface aboard the lunar module.  Commander Cernan was the last man to walk on the moon!

                                  As we neared the end of our visit, we were able to see actual Moon Rocks    
as well as the Apollo Command Module Trainer which is a mock up to familiarize the astronauts with the basic operations of the CM. We were also fortunate to see the movie, Last Man on the Moon, which is a documentary on the late astronaut Gene Cernan.  On our way out, Lee visited the Astronaut Gallery which boasted one of the world's comprehensive collections of spacesuits.


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