Saturday, April 8, 2017

On the road again 2017

I can't believe that we are on another cross country adventure!  So in order to get ready to blog, it is imperative that I have a glass of wine alongside my iPad to assist in my creative here we go.......

Well we left Port St. Lucie on Monday after a wonderful winter season...the first stop on our trip was to Ocala, Florida to see our dear friends Alan and Susan!  And guess what?...we also took the opportunity to get the coach serviced since we lost our turn signals and brake light on the passenger side (there's always something!) Alan and Susan were wonderful hosts who took very good care of us ....they cooked two fabulous dinners which really helped after spending long days in the waiting room at the Cummins Service Center. This was despite the fact that one of their precious dogs was having severe health issues which was very stressful for them!  The night before we left, we treated them to a dinner out at one of their favorite places, Harry's!  Lots of laughter, great food and drink was enjoyed by all.  We hope to reciprocate the hospitality when they visit Maine.

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