Thursday, August 19, 2010

Canmore, Alberta, Canada

The backdrop of the Spring Creek Campground in Canmore was just incredible. Surrounded by mountains, it offered magnificent views. The mountains behind Lee are called the Three Sisters. The campground itself was okay; nothing to write home about. We were just delighted to sit down in one place for a few days especially with a full hookup. Yippee!! Long hot showers after 4 days of dry camping. The next day, we decided to take a scenic drive to find some wildlife which apparently was everywhere. We were excited to see moose, deer, bears, horned rimmed sheep, etc. So with maps in hand and a picnic lunch, Lee, Sammy, and I got into the Jeep and got started. The beginning of the scenic route was on a highway (40) which Lee didn't appreciate because it forced us to travel at higher speeds than what we wanted. We did turn off the road to explore "The Widow Maker" trail which led to a river where people in kayaks were practicing their skills since the river was very rough in this spot. It was fascinating to see them capsize then flip themselves back up. A friend of theirs was taking photos and then followed them down river to their next meeting place. We returned to the car and then Lee noticed a gravel road turnoff which lead to Powderface Trail and we took that. Despite the fact that we weren't finding any wildlife here either, we just continued to drive and drive and drive. We found ourselves on a neverending gravel road leading up and down the mountains. It went on and on and on!!! At certain turns, there weren't even any guardrails and the dropoff was pretty scary (Thank you, Lee, for your expert driving). Well, after what seemed like hours, we finally came to a highway which led us back to our campground. Phew!! So much for the scenic tour. Oh well...there will be more opportunities, I'm sure, to see wildlife. Now all we wanted to do was clean up and go into Canmore for some dinner. We chose The Grizzly Paw (the closest thing to wildlife we ever going to find)which was a pub and brewery. We, of course, sampled one of their home brews(Rutting Elk Red) and each of us had a hamburger (Lee actually had a bison burger!!). After 60oz of beer, I daresay, we were quite content. We went back to the coach and settled in for the rest of the evening. All and all, it was quite the day!!!!