Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lake Louise, Banff

We woke up to what we thought was extreme fog and haze in the mountains. We figured it would burn off by the time we headed off to Lake Louise. Well, we found out that it wasn't fog, but smoke coming from fires in British Columbia - what a shame- there were times when we could barely see the outlines of the mountains as we drove along. BUT....we are glad to say that it was a simply magnificent vision to behold when we came upon Lake Louise; Breathtaking Lake Louise nestled between two mountains separated by a glacier. The water was a gorgeous turquoise blue which looked a little milky when you stood close to the water. We read that this phenomenon resulted from the rock flour which stays suspended for quite a time. Rock flour, also known as glacier flour, consists of finely ground rock particles produced by glacier abrasions which actually give Lake Louise its emerald and blue color depending on how the light hits the surface; AMAZING!!
You really felt that you were in the presence of something divine. It was quite a spiritual experience.
Lee and I found a park bench near the Chateau Fairmont Hotel overlooking the lake and had our lunch. When the sun came out, it warmed our bodies and filled us with the most blissful and tranquil feelings. I think we must have sat there for a couple of hours entranced.
When we did leave and were driving back, we did see our first bit of wildlife on the road. It was a massive elk. Yippee!!! Finally something other than cows and horses. I knew it would happen. What a great day!!
Tomorrow we will be heading to Kamloop. British Columbia slowly making our way back to the United States.

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