Saturday, July 28, 2018

Whitehorse - Yukon Preserve and Klondike Follies

The next day we took a self guided tour of the Yukon Wildlife Preserve first thing in the morning…..Lydia, Braydon, and Sophia, this is where Bubbie and Papa saw some wildlife and I took some pictures.
We walked about 5k (3 miles) and were a little disappointed that we couldn’t see all the animals we wanted to but here are some pictures of the ones we did see!

We then returned to the campground for some lunch….it was quite late in the day since we made a few stops along the way. I was pooped and needed some down time, so Lee took off to get the car washed and then take a tour of the Transportation Museum….a place recommended by our friend Steve Chalmers. Since I was not with him, Papa forgot to take pictures… here is one from the Milepost book of the Douglas DC-3 plane which greets you as you arrive…..this plane is actually a weathervane and Papa saw it move!
When Papa came back, we got ready to go to a dinner theater in town to see a performance of the Klondike Follies….what a great included comedy, singing, musicians, and, of course, the Klondike Kickers which are Can-Can dancers.  What made the follies even more unique was that the master of ceremonies picked your Bubbie to go on stage and to start the show by hitting a big cymbal…Papa tried to take a picture but the stage lights were too bright. And just when you think that I had my 15 seconds of fame, I was called up again after intermission to start the second half of the show by hitting a drum. Wow….I think I was almost a celebrity!  Here are some pictures of the show and the performers.

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